Our body to body service includes a sensual body rub, oral and sex. Safe sex is practiced at all times. All bookings are now Deluxe to give you the full experience of Club 859, please discuss what each lady provides in her deluxe booking and discuss any extras you may be looking for with the ladies during your introduction and they will advise any extra charges with you.


B&D – Kink – Couples – Bi Double – Fantasies


20mins Deluxe $190
30mins Deluxe $240
45mins Deluxe $290
60min Deluxe $340


Available on your 7th booking. All that is needed to sign up is your name and password.

20mins - $20 off
30mins - $30 off
45mins - $40 off
60mins - $60 off

Also, receive $20 off one booking during your birthday month! ID required